So tomorrow embarks our big journey to start the Pacific Crest Trail. It hit me when I was walking down to my house in the dark looking up at Mars in the night sky. I realized that I would be spending 99% of my evenings for the next five months under the vast darkness above. Man am I psyched!
We are headed down to Campo, California tomorrow to start at the southern terminal of the PCT. Ryan, my boyfriend, is driving Lena, my hiking partner, friend and motivator from Oregon down to the boarder of Mexico in preparation for our journey north to Canada. It's hard to grasp the span of 2,663 miles... and I don't think anyone can until they've finished. With this in mind, I have wrapped my head around and mentally prepared for the first leg,to Big Bear after two weeks and 256 miles on trail. Little victories along the way will be one form of motivation.
This weekend Lena and I will be attending the annual ADZPCTKO which is a whole lot of weird letters mixed together, but to a PCT thru-hiker, this represents the PCT Kick Off annually held each year. Pretty much the event is hosted to bring some of the most amazing, daring individuals that have either completed the PCT, are about to, or have some sort of association with the trail (whether they help out with maintenance, provide water along the way, host hikers or are just interested) together for a big celebration of the new thru-hiking season. I am excited to attend this event and meet past and present hikers.
My bags are packed, I'm ready to go. I'm standing here outside my door. I can't wait to hike the PCT... I think that's what John Denver wrote. Either way, Lena and I spent all day collecting the rest of our gear, sorting food, and crammed it all into our packs. I made a pack cover for the rain out of a trash bag also because the weather for tomorrow might require such equipment, even for southern California. I haven't weighed my bags but I am guessing my pack, with food and water, weighs about 30-35 pounds. Not ultra-light but light enough to handle and appreciate all of it's contents for their simplicity and practicality.
I am one lucky individual to have to opportunity to spend the next few months outside and only outside. So many people now a days do not have or take the time to explore in nature. Organizations like SheJumps, a non-profit organization that increase and inspire female participation in outdoor activities, help promote awareness of the importance of mental and physical health in any community. "SheJumps creates a community of ambitious and compassionate women that are willing to take the 'jump' to reach their potential and help others reach their own." While Lena and I hike 2,663 miles, we would love to achieve a goal of raising one dollar for every mile, or 2,663 dollars in total on our trek. Please take the time to consider donating a few dollars to help our cause and help women test their abilities and find confidence in themselves through finding a love for the outdoors.
Donate here at :
Keep following and pictures on trail will be soon to come! Much love for all of you. The trail beckons!
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